Pupil Premium

Following a government initiative launched in April 2011, the school is eligible for funding called Pupil Premium, in addition to the main school budget. ​Pupil Premium funding is available for every child who is registered for Free School Meals or who has qualified for Free School Meals at any point in the ​previous six years, those who have been in continuous care for six months or more, and children of service personnel. For 2023/2024, the Pupil ​Premium funding was around £2300 for each eligible child, but the school does not receive this money automatically; parents must apply. If you ​believe your child fits any of these categories, please let the school know.

The government sees these children as a priority. In many schools, their level of progress and attainment is lower than other children of the same age, ​and additional funding for their education helps to narrow the gap. Headteachers and school governors decide how Pupil Premium money is spent. ​The achievement and attainment of these pupils is regularly assessed in comparison with their year group, and the school is held accountable for the ​attainment of Pupil Premium children by the Ofsted Inspectors.

At St. Luke’s, our aim is to ensure that our teaching and learning meets the needs of all our pupils, helping our children achieve their individual ​potential. The Pupil Premium funding helps us to ensure that we provide extra provision for our pupils who fall into this group, to assess and address ​their individual needs.

Our school has a dedicated Pupil Premium Link Governor, Claire Aspinall, who regularly monitors the progress and attainment of these pupils, along ​with the head teacher and board of governors.

Each year, we spend our additional Pupil Premium on a variety of specially tailored teaching provision such as:

Enriched curriculum opportunities

Small group and 1:1 pastoral and emotional support

Individual support, for example, one-to-one teaching assistant support

Small group teaching – supporting small groups through extra resource

Trips – equal access for all pupils to off-site activities and residentials

Free fruit snacks – we believe that a nutritiously rich and balanced diet is essential to keeping our children healthy and engaged


Pupil Premium Funding